Australian Government Supported NGOs Making a Difference in Zimbabwe
On 13 October 2015 the Australian Embassy hosted an NGO Forum for all Zimbabwean NGOs currently supported by the Australian Aid Program. The event provided participants with the opportunity to profile their work and learn from each other. It also presented an excellent opportunity to network.
The visiting DFAT Program Manager for Southern Africa, Darian Clark, shared a Canberra perspective that followed from the Australia NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) Review. The ANCP was found to be a flexible mechanism but the review also identified a need for consistency of funding over the medium to long-term.
NGOs were also briefed on other Australian development programs such as the Direct Aid Program (DAP), the Australia Awards Program and the new governance program, TRACE, of which the Australian Government is a co-funder.
During the second part of the forum, some NGOs presented their good work and lessons learnt. Addressing specific needs with emphasis on community engagement through consultation proved to be a strong basis for the shared successes.
Australian Ambassador, Suzanne McCourt, said that there is a great strength in the ANCP’s direct links between Australian and Zimbabwean based NGOs. NGOs working in Zimbabwe need to keep reinforcing positive messages to their Australian counterparts about their work in Zimbabwe, thereby supporting sound coordination efforts for aid effectiveness.